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Social Security: Relevance and Election Decision options

  Topic minutes
1 Introduction- Four Pillars of a Successful Retirement - Are You Ready? 1.5
2 Introduction- Our Commitment 1.5
3 Introduction- Workbook and Evaluation Form 1.5
4 Introduction- Are you prepared for one of the biggest transitions in your life? 1.5
5 Introduction- Do you have the time……the desire… …and most important, the knowledge……to build a financialstrategy for retirement? 1.5
6 Introduction-Four Pillars of a Successful Retirement
(that is, four really important factors) 
7 Introduction- Three Risks
(also known as external factors over which you have little control)
8 Introduction- Inflation: Rising prices over time 1.5
9 Introduction- Inflation: Your money also loses purchasing power
over time
10 Introduction- Why Inflation Really Matters 1.5
11 Introduction- Rising Costs of Health Care 1.5
12 Introduction- Long-Term Care 1.5
13 Introduction- Unpredictability of the Financial Markets 1.5
14 Introduction- Bear Market Retiree 1.5
15 Social Security 1.5
16 Income That Will Last a Lifetime 1.5
17 History Behind America’s Retirement Safety Net 1.5
18 Who Is Eligible for Social Security Benefits? 1.5
19 Your Social Security Statement 1.5
20 Understanding COLAs 1.5
21 When Can You Claim Social Security Retirement Benefits? 1.5
22 How Does Filing Early or Later Affect the Monthly Benefit? 1.5
23 How Claiming Age Affects Monthly and Annual Benefits 1.5
24 How Claiming Age Affects Lifetime Benefits 1.5
25 Spousal Benefit 1.5
26 How Claiming Age Affects the Spousal Benefit 1.5
27 How Filing for Early Benefits Could Reduce the Spousal Benefit 1.5
28 Excess Spousal Benefit Case Study 1.5
29 “Restricted Application” for Spousal Benefit 1.5
30 Restricted Application Case Study 1.5
31 Survivor Benefit 1.5
32 Switching from a Worker Benefit to a Survivor Benefit 1.5
33 Before you make a decision… 1.5
34 Maximizing Lifetime and Survivor Benefits 1.5
35 The Impact of Divorce 1.5
36 How to Receive Retroactive Benefits 1.5
37 “Do Over” or “Reset” Strategy 1.5
38 “Start, Stop, Restart” Strategy 1.5
39 Other Factors That Could Reduce Your Social Security Payments  1.5
40 A Percentage of Your Social Security Benefits Could Be Taxed 1.5
41 Retirement Earnings Test (RET) 1.5
42 Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) 1.5
43 Government Pension Offset (GPO) 1.5
44 Medicare Premiums 1.5
45 2019 Medicare Costs 1.5
46 When Should You Enroll in Medicare? 1.5
47 True or False? Social Security Misconceptions 1.5
48 Uncertain Future of America’s Retirement Safety Net  1.5
  Total approximate time in minutes 72